After you have shaken off the excitement of securing yourself a graduate job, which is no mean feat considering the competition, it is time to get your head down and ensure you are in the best possible state of mind before you start.

It is vital to understand that landing your new position is only the first step – just as you prepared and researched for the interview, you will need to be ready for your first day so you can walk in feeling confident and ready to make a great first impression.

Evaluate your own skills

Understanding your own strengths and weaknesses can prove to be a valuable asset as you begin your new graduate job – it will save you biting off more than you can chew early on and getting overwhelmed.

Be honest and take stock of your skills. The hiring manager obviously thought you have what it takes to fulfil the role so do not forget to highlight your strengths too, now you can line them up against the job description.

Once you are aware of where you need to improve, you can start to think of ways to cover your weaknesses, rather than being caught off guard.


You can give yourself a huge advantage when it comes to settling in with your new colleagues by doing a bit of research beforehand. Use social media platforms such as Twitter and LinkedIn, to give yourself a head start.

Looking at your new colleagues and managers online can be a great way to see if you have any overlap, whether its friends, education or interests, which can make a great conversation starter on your first day.

Browsing the company’s website can give you a clear idea of their culture and history too, providing you with more of a rounded understanding of the team you have decided to join.

Clarify targets and expectations

Make sure you know exactly where you stand and what is expected of you, as it will save you a lot of worrying and frustration. Reach out to your supervisor and ask what he or she expects during your first week, and set yourself some targets based on this – it is always best to try and aim a little bit higher if you are looking to impress.

If you’re a graduate looking to kick-start your career, have a chat with Discovery Graduates and see how they can help get you started